Discover Brookside
Where fun and learning goes hand in hand
We are registered to provide childcare for up to 30 children aged from 2 to 5 years.
We offer early years funding for children from the term after they turn 3 and funded 2 year old places for eligible children.
We have 2 sessions a day starting at 8.30am to 11.30am and 12.00pm to 3pm. We also offer a lunch club from 11.30am to 12.00pm to link these sessions and provide full day care, if required.
We also facilitate an After School Club.

How we work
Our Vision
Our aim at Brookside Pre-School is to offer a safe, supportive and stimulating environment with clearly thought out calculated risks for children to take. We aim to enhance and support children’s learning as well as providing somewhere where children can develop their emotional well-being.
We offer a programme of play based learning where children experience all aspects of learning and development through fun and interesting self-initiated activities and adult led experiences working within the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014/2021).
Where possible resources will be wooden, the Pre-School will be decorated in natural and neutral calming colours as well as being minimalistic and free from clutter, only having out the resources we need or are child requested. We feel this sets up the perfect conditions for an optimal learning environment providing a space where children are able to be inquisitive, explorational learners.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Brookside Pre-School is to provide safe, affordable, high quality childcare for children and families within Ipswich and surrounding areas.
In doing so, we will support families in their efforts to raise wholesome, inquisitive, explorational learners. We provide a home like environment where children are encouraged to develop at their own pace.
The Brookside staff are committed to the families and children we work for providing support and encouragement at all times.
Brookside, the Charity
Charity no: 299709
Brookside is a registered charity. The pre-school and afterschool club is ran by a group of volunteer Committee members that support the Manager, Deputies and Staff to offer the fantastic services avaliable.
If you would like to know more or join the Committee, please email brookside-chair@outlook.com
Our Services
Fun for every age

The Pre-School offers term time sessions, morning, afternoon or all day during school hours (8.30am to 3pm.) Sessions are child focused with group and one to one activities linked to the EYFS curriculum. The Pre-School sessions encourage independence and resilience skills, such as tidying up and decision making, alongside the key development EYFS areas. Each child is allocated a key worker, who gets to know their key children closely to create opportunities for each child to thrive in their time at Brookside. Pre-School children should bring a drinks bottle, nappies etc. (if needed,) coat/hat suitable for the Great British weather, change of clothes and a packed lunch (if staying over lunch.)
After school club
We are lucky enough to have our own After School Club here at Brookside. We run from 3.30-6pm Monday to Friday during term time.
We have lots of planned activities for the children to take part in, these however are not compulsory. We also have many toys for the children to self-select after a busy day at school.
We offer three sessions:
3.30-4.30pm, costing £6.50 (Includes snack)
3.30-5pm, costing £7.50 (includes snack)
3.30-6pm, costing £12.50 (Includes snack and hot dinner)
We operate a 4-weekly Tea Menu and we ask the children for ideas on what they would like to eat each term.

Looking for more information about any of our services? Get in touch now.
Contact Us
Gusford School Grounds, Sheldrake Dr, Ipswich IP2 9LQ Registered Charity: 299709 Privacy Notice under Information Packs Section
01473 604238